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Global Perspective, China Value

SFC Fast-tracks Simple Fund Authorization

2024-10-21 18:00

The Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) will expedite the processing of applications from simple investment funds by launching the Fund Authorization Simple Track (FASTrack) on 4 November 2024. Under FASTrack, the SFC aims to grant fund authorizations within 15 business days after receiving complete and quality submissions from applicants. The new approach will cover simple funds from jurisdictions which have mutual recognition of funds (MRF) arrangements with the SFC. As the regulatory regimes of MRF jurisdictions provide comparable investor protection to that of Hong Kong and the SFC has entered into cooperation arrangements with their home regulators, the SFC considers it appropriate to streamline the authorization process of eligible funds. These include equity, bond and mixed funds, among others. “As part of our dedication to deepen and broaden the capital market, FASTrack would be a boon for both asset managers and investors, as it will provide more clarity and certainty for fund launches in Hong Kong and also broaden product choices without compromising protection for investors,” said Ms Christina Choi, the SFC’s Executive Director of Investment Products. “This will also enhance the city’s appeal to overseas and the Chinese Mainland funds, thus strengthening its competitiveness as a premier asset management hub.” The SFC will monitor the operation of FASTrack during a six-month pilot period ending 4 May 2025 and refine it as appropriate before formal adoption.