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Global Perspective, China Value

The Belt and Road Summit Will Be Held on Sep 11-12

2024-09-04 18:36

On September 4th, the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) announced in a press release that this year’s Belt and Road Summit, a key platform for Hong Kong to promote the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), is bringing together more than 80 officials and business leaders to discuss collaboration opportunities in BRI markets.

The Summit, which is taking place on 11-12 September at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, is organized by the Hong Kong SAR Government and the HKTDC. The main theme for this year’s Summit is Building a Connected, Innovative and Green Belt and Road.

The Business Plenary meeting on the first day will focus on market prospects in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, or ASEAN, while that on the second day will look at opportunities in the Middle East and nearby regions.

“The Belt and Road Summit will deepen international business cooperation and consolidate Hong Kong's position as the preferred business platform for the Belt and Road Initiative,” said Algernon Yau, Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development for the Hong Kong SAR Government.

As China looks for ways to drive more collaboration between Belt and Road markets, Hong Kong can play an even more active role as a global hub for investment, trade and innovation, Mr Yau explained.

Dr Peter K N Lam, Chairman of the HKTDC, highlighted the business support that HKTDC provides to foster closer cooperation, including business delegations and outreach activities to Belt and Road countries and regions.
